Jericho Show Design

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 "Stress Relief" for Marching Band Directors

since 1988.

Drill Designs by Terry Williams

One of the most important decisions you as a band director make each year is who will design your marching band show.  You want it done on time, current in style, and teachable.  You don't have time for mistakes.  I would like to be your drill designer this year. 

I have many bands that are successful every year.  They want to do a well presented show and hopefully make a superior rating at their contest/festivals.  I have to tell you, I get as much pleasure from that success as I do the more public championships. 

I would like to write your show this year.  You will get drill charts, student coordinates, complete instructions, data files (if you own Java 3D Interactive), and a Video of your drill and music (your guard instructor will love you)!  The cost depends on the size of your band - $30.00 per student with a $4000.00 maximum and $1000.00 minimum.  You can call me at (615) 792-3810 anytime.  My shows are "do-able".  I double check step size to make sure you aren't wasting your time teaching something that is impossible.  I view every show I write through the eyes of an experienced teacher.  If I can't teach it or teach you to teach it, I won't write it.  

Call me at (615) 792-3810 or email me at and let's talk about how I can help you have the best year you have ever had.

Contact Information   

For a free consultation, call or email us at the following numbers.  We look forward to serving you!

Telephone    615.792.3810
Postal address    2322 Bearwallow Road, Ashland City, TN 37015
Electronic mail
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Last modified: February 10, 2014